I am not sure if there really is any quantitative way to prove or disprove being a psychic. I know that many people are skeptical when they hear about a Free Psychic Reading and think that it is just a hoax.

I have known some people who truly claim to be psychic and although they don't tend to offer free psychic readings or anything, there seems to be some validity to the psychic readings that they give to family and friends. They do seem to have a feel for some stuff that is really out there, I mean things that no one really knows. At times I have even felt a bit psychic, being able to feel that something was going to happen or know about something before I am told. Certainly not enough knowledge to sit and do a reading, but if some people can be more of something and some less than if I have a little bit of psychic ability why can't people have more of it. It just seems to me that people who don't believe in psychics are just a little closed off to the interconnectedness of the world and the people in it.

Psychic phenomena do exist and just because all the science in the world can't necessarily quantify it, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. After all, there really is no measurement for pain and yet we don't discourage people from expressing it, so why stop people from displaying proudly their psychic abilities.

So for all you nay sayers leave the psychics alone. If you don't believe them then you don't have to go to them. Personally, I find the whole concept quite amazing and I get a free psychic reading any chance I get, after all it can't hurt anything, right? Well, maybe unless they tell you something really bad, but I have found for the most part that doesn't really happen. I don't think that they say really bad things as a rule because it could significantly alter someone's life and no one wants that kind of responsibility hanging on them.

Posted on Thursday, November 05, 2009 @ 12:05 PM by Rita