The Lottery

I was just reading this article about the euromillions online on my welcome home page. I guess it is the European lottery and it takes place once a week (on Friday). And you can go to the euro millions website and buy a ticket for that week (basically like elottery). The prize pool rolls over and over if no one wins that week so it keeps getting bigger and bigger.

I actually even read that it was one of the biggest lotteries because there are 9 countries are participating in it (including: Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom).

So you can go online and play the lottery and get your ticket and then you can check the results every Friday at the same website. It is extremely convenient. On the website they also have stories about people who have won in the past. Most of the stories include people buying new homes, paying off debt and buying cars. But some of them are actually really interesting.

One that I read was about this man who just decided one day to play and had never played the lottery before in his life because he couldn't afford it. And he won! His home was being foreclosed on and his family was about to be homeless and they had no family or anywhere to go and had 2 small children. It was such a great, almost miracle and unbelievable story. The man worked 3 jobs and was so deserving of what he got. And in turn he was able to buy is home back (obviously) and he still lived pretty modestly (for winning the lottery) and turned his winnings into something great. He opened up a clinic where he helped counsel people who were losing their homes and opened a shelter for complete families (not men only or women and children) so that families could be together in a crisis like this. He also helped them find jobs and got into contact with local business owners who were looking to hire.

It is so great to hear about people in need getting the help that they deserve. And through the lottery!!! It is such a cool story to hear about and it makes you want to play just for that small (very very small) chance that it may happen to you one day too.

Posted on Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ 6:09 PM by Rita